Category Archives: lyrical




oh vivian, little trevor
you came in the hard way
blazing a trail before you
they named you for the storm
but your heart is full of sweetness
tantrums filled with passion
the love that comes out from you
will keep your folks warm

when the clouds gather over head
thunder rumbles in my ear
the two of you come to my mind
as the storm gathers near
then the sun peaks ’round the edge
of those clouds that did deliver you
i remember our happiness
when trevor made it to two

big brother trevor
i wish for you a good life
lazy summer sunshine
bluegrass in the rain

when those clouds come to greet you
you’ll answer with a smile
stand up and say i am the storm
then dance on down the lane

vivian, little trevor
oh, vivian, big brother trevor

oh, vivian






mind goin’ a million miles an hour
stephanie, stephanie
it must be the battery
stephanie, it must be, y’know
it’s run by electricity

how’d you know that, son?
that a battery might make it run
that a battery holds ‘lectricity

did somebody explain?
or is it just your amazing brain
running rampant as it’s always done

but no
it’s the watch in the video tray
that you or teak put in to play
oh, abel


mind goin’ a million miles an hour
stephanie, stephanie
mario runs up the slide
stephanie, he’s got to go
up over the great divide

how’d you know that, son?
which direction mario needs to run
just exactly where he needs to hide

did you write it all down?
his escape route in monster town?
you had a mind like the rising sun

and now
my heart is breaking to see you go
where the sky meets the fallen snow


mind goin’ a million miles an hour
stephanie, stephanie
i wish you had seen me change
stephanie, i fell in love
with the blessed high mountain range

how’d you do that, son?
go from anger to so much fun
becoming one with the wilderness

did somebody teach you?
how did you know to push on through?
you’re heart wide open to everyone

my boy
we’re so thankful we had you here
all i can do is shed a tear



we drum


the practice of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of dis-ease

spell, charm, or fetish believed to have healing, protective, or other power



gently tap (a part of the body) with a finger or an instrument to diagnose
“the heart was percussed”





musical instruments played by striking with hand, stick or beater, or by shaking, including drums, cymbals, xylophones, gongs, bells, rattles

the striking of one solid object with or against another

wind producing a clattering percussion of tree branch against stone




a strong, regular, repeated pattern





play on a drum

a percussion instrument sounded by being struck with sticks or hands, typically cylindrical, barrel-shaped, or bowl-shaped with a taut membrane over one or both ends

something resembling or likened to a drum in shape, in particular

an evening or afternoon tea party of a kind that was popular in the late 18th and early 19th century



raised arm
open hand

striking sacrificed skin of lamb, buffalo, horse, goat
mined metal or carved wooden frame or vessel vibrating
producing antidote

we drum . we become drum

closed heart opening with each beat of drum
pounding of heart opening chakra after chakra
reopened channels funneling divine nourishment
body and spirit align
we dine on sound
dancing around the cherished goddess, embodied in teacher
we again become the goddess

we learn . we become teacher
we heal . we become healer

marimba sneaks up to the drum
dances it’s peaceful, seductive mantra alone
rhythm marries tone
frequent high and low wooden voice
speaks to it’s lover with ease
drum and marimba resonate
a palpable palliative essence

air passes from lung to tip of tongue, past pursed lips
or through wide open mouth
controlled by larynx
toned muscle delivering tonal clarity
muscle contraction release contraction release
spatial compression expansion compression expansion

trapping air, releasing POP
capturing air, releasing BA . bo bo

words from any language sung in rhythm
whispered secret
murmured grief
melodic healing tone
cry of anguish
exclamation of joy
healing verbal expression bringing relief

we sing . we become song

closed heart opening with each beat of drum
pounding through sorrow

dun dun . dun dun . dun dun
taka taka
dun dun
taka taka
dun dun . dun dun . dun dun
taka taka
dun dun
taka taka
dun dun

reopened channels funneling divine nourishment
body and spirit align
we dine on sound

born to drum 2016 : 10th anniversary


murdered twice

murdered twice
a thousand times
noose, baton, bullet to the back
each electric jolt makes me shed my skin
i molt
then return again
with heart that you lack

you killed my body
then slandered my name
murdered me twice
in your violent game
lynched me as emmet
lynched me, tamir
you never dreaming
that your end is near

murder me now
keep eyes peeled for when
a million of me stand before you
flowers in hand, guns at the ready
we band together to tear you apart
by any means necessary
we’ll make a new start without you

my name is tamir
my name is emmet
my name is tamir
my name is emmet
my name is tamir
my name is emmet
rice and till

bound together by your violence
my name is legion


waking at every sound
or no sound at all
startled by silence
footprints down the hall

ghosts of real and imagined threat
wafting from rafters
crouching under floorboards
smirking from behind paintings of safe places
seeping out from fountains of fear
pent up emotion paces
exploding from mountains of weariness
years of exhaustion
my face wet
each teardrop an expression of grief
my own or someone else’s loss
engraved like a tattoo on my heart
then another, and another
just when i start to recover
yet another grieving father and mother appear

these worries are as real as my face
changing form with the mood
tangible as bills not paid
a table without food

we eat his words for breakfast

honoring the prophet john trudell


prophet is dragged away kicking and screaming
or silently dreaming
leaving the battle behind

world steadily turning
churning with degradation, greed, confusion
reed blowing soft notes
whispering lamentation
reminder that earth is mother
humanity is other

voice of reason dispersed
tiny particles of sound joining ancestors
enormous soul of love joining ancestors
booming voice of warning joining ancestors

tiny particles of sound joining with my own soul
enormous soul of love joining with my own soul
booming voice of warning joining with my own soul

we suffer this loss in tearful silent weeping
loud wailing
intermittent grieving

as this spirit departs
our own spirits, refilled with passion
rise up to the daunting task
we will be replacing this guiding voice
with a million of our own tiny voices

intermittent grieving
alternating with bursts of new action

this one soul departing
leaving many souls replenished

as we bemoan loss of this prophet
we eat his words for breakfast
shoring up our promise to continue his work
his courage becomes our own
his depth of knowing infuses our brains
his unrelenting tenacity
infusing our blood
a life sustaining transfusion
emphatically dispersing delusion

deadly forces lurking in shadows
now struggling to emerge
as the one voice of one man
multiplies to millions

the prophet becomes the people
the people become the prophet

dumbing down of amerikkka

for the past many decades, there has been an obvious concerted effort to dumb down amerikkka . soon, only the children of wealthy parents will have access to education . it’s almost that way already
the result is a bank of voters who purposefully vote for ‘representatives’ who are like them : uneducated or at least inexperienced, close minded, selfish, hypocritical, narcissistic … all ignorance based ‘attributes’ …

now, with the advent of corporate news collectively taking on the persona of professional liar, the ignorant working and middle class are either too dumb to really understand what’s happening, too busy just trying to stay afloat to feel able to do anything about it; or they’re racist fucks who are celebrating the pain of those they despise, even while they, themselves, suffer the indignities of poverty

this is rage


this is rage
boiling since first memory
creeping from sub to consciousness
seeping through unclogged pores
leaking like spores
polluting peace like so many gunshots fired

containing rage
is like trying to hold water in a fist


stepping off an edge


one step
forward or back
a knack for rigid tracking
bridges lacking handrails
windy sails full of
stale air
deep stare into bedlam
a mind wracked
boat sinking
choppy waters
drinking buckets of drama
sculpting trauma from old bones
hanging on a ledge
of only if
dreaming a burning bridge
stepping off an edge


somewhere in times to come


whether you make it
whether you don’t
your name is on my mind
whether you come back
or you stay gone
we won’t forget you
we won’t let you go alone

whether you’re here now
or you’re just a memory
i see you clear as the moon is round
whether your whisper
is just a fantasy
i’m gonna listen for you
i know what’s missing
which way are you bound

we know how the sun shines
we know how a tear blinds
we don’t know which way the road winds
but it takes us home

whether you hear me
or you’re too far beyond
i’m gonna cry your name
whether you answer
or you keep traveling on
we know you’re out there
we’ll see you somewhere in times to come
