my evening tirade

root causes of terror and drug use : people who profit by causing them . money and power : the profits of war, destruction, misery : the same people going to ‘repair’ the damage . government contractors . cia . cia crashed a cia plane full of cocaine : financing wars with drug money

some drug use is not a problem . there is much more ‘legal’ pharmaceutical drug use than ‘illicit’ use . addiction is a product of propensity with circumstance . but incarceration itself contributes to addiction . profit motive creates the circumstance of availability . availability in turn creates habit …

terror is profitable : it’s easier to get a terrorized (or drug addicted) population to, for instance, agree to wars of aggression . or agree to work for sub subsistence wages and beg for the rest . the slow terror of poverty : up all night afraid . the slow death of incarceration : poor nutrition, sleep deprivation, isolation … all profitable . all done in trade

my evening tirade

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