the roots are waiting


the mist is rolling in . i can feel it on my skin
there’s nothing we can do but watch the new season begin
the sun is acting shy . i think that i know why
the clouds are gathering together up there in the sky
they seem to have a plan that’ll change the shape of land
i’m starting to remember this is how the floods began
with cumolo strength gain, drizzle turns to rain
then nimbus makes her entry known, creating my refrain
do you see the clouds accumulating?
are you sad that summer’s nearly gone?
don’t you know that all the roots are waiting?
without rain we would’ve never heard this song
longer nights are here . it’s nothing we should fear
more time to gaze at twinkling stars . we see this every year
trees are changing hue : it happens right on cue
as clouds begin to hide the sky, the colors make the view
did you notice the equinox approaching
as we floated down the river in the sun?
chilly air of autumn is encroaching
and the watering of roots has just begun
the mist is rolling in .. .. .. .. ..
the mist is rolling in .. .. .. .. ..
the mist is rolling in .. .. .. .. the roots are waiting

© 10.13.24

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