the u.s. and israeli governments are terrorists, according to all definitions.
comparing jihad to anarchist ideology and action is ridiculous. those practicing jihad are doing so based on a hierarchical structure, in which the notion of god and actual accepted as ‘superior’ human ‘leaders’ are calling the shots. in anarchist theory and action, each individual chooses for herself what action to take, based on individual or small group perception of the problems, and imagined solutions.
in jihad, an extremist boss (u.s. congress and military, zionist israeli idf enforcers, and tea party ‘leaders’ come to mind as quickly as extremist imams) identify everyone not like them as a target, then enlist lower ranking extremists who’ve been re-educated to, for instance, risk or actively take their own lives in service to the will of the boss : which is to annihilate the opposition. of course congress and the tea party haven’t yet gone to this extreme, and instead, follow this model via the implementation of punitive legislation which criminalizes and incarcerates much of the population for profit. slavery is alive and well in amerikkka.
u.s. military and mercenary forces, along with u.s. funded brainwashed israeli soldiers have been practicing jihad for decades and longer : expansionism, imperialism, colonialism … are all background parts of the overall ideology of narcissistic jihad. these isms lead to genocidal action. the perpetrators rely on an unsubstantiated notion that their own religious and social beliefs and theories are right, which, by their definition, assigns ‘wrong’ to every other theory and belief. they extend the notion to include excusing violence as a necessary tool for cleansing their social reality of any resistant actors.
while u.s. militarized police, in service to the chamber of commerce, do this by literally beating down and incarcerating the opposition instead of actually murdering people with pipe bombs, the result is the same : elimination of the opposition and terror struck into the hearts and minds of future opponents of their rule.
there is no such hierarchical structure in anarchist theory or reality.
but yes, skin is thin, bone is brittle, and blood is red.
this was written in response to an opinion piece.