somebody wrote the blues one day . goes like this …
somebody wrote the words to the song
about a love walked out the door
but i can’t sing about a love got lost
i’m not sure there’s gonna be a world to make love in anymore
got us a new president
used to play with guns when he was just a little boy
says we’ve got to keep up with the soviets
wants to build bombs while we all keep score
lemme tell you what his toys’ll cost
if we don’t stop him soon, he’s gonna get us into the final war
we send money to those ‘third world’ countries
to ‘promote democracy’
we pay our tax then watch our government
just shut their eyes and pick a side
now i turn and ask those elected men
how come back in vietnam all those innocent people died
i turn my eyes to el salvador
so many people dying every day
i feel like we need to take control
where our arms and monies are supplied
if we send our war toys to el salvador
we’re financing the juntas’ game … juntas’ game of genocide
i said we need to take control
because if we don’t soon, there’s not gonna be a world to make love in anymore
79 or 80